Friday, January 18, 2008

Want to support us?

For now, I'll post the link & instructions on how to support our ride online using the PMC's secure eGift method. In an effort to be more environmentally friendly this year, I would like to conduct as much fundraising as I can online - it'll cut down on paper and stamps. If this doesn't work out so hot, I'll revert to the original mailing of letters and forms with a SASE envelope. If you'd like to avoid that process too, please use the eGift option. If you donate online, I wont mail you anything other than a "thank you" card. Promise.

Go the PMC's website and click the eGift button on the upper left hand corner (or follow the link).

Select: "Sponsor one rider with one donation" (the first option)

click on "Select a person by eGift ID"

Enter our eGift ID: TI0007 (as in Team Iwamoto triple-0 7) & hit "search"

Or, follow this egift link.

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