Friday, April 4, 2008

April Showers...

... bring May flowers? Let's hope so. Earlier this week, the forecast for this coming Sunday was for a sunny day in the mid-50s, so were planning a ride. Now they are calling for rain and 43 degrees. Another weekend of riding in the basement - there isn't much that is less appealing than sitting on the trainer in a cold & dark basement for an hour or so. Unless, of course, you consider riding in a 40 degree rain at 20 MPH with cars whipping past you.

On the training front, Ken has been getting up early before work to ride the trainer in the mornings, since we appear to be unable to get to it in the evenings. Good for him! As the sun gets up earlier and earlier, we might actually be able to squeeze in a run or a trip to the gym before he catches the train into the city.

I forgot to mention that during last weekend's ride, we had our first unusual wildlife spotting. As we came around a corner just before the Old Frog Pond farm we came across a beaver making it's way across the pond (the old frog pond?). We were close enough that we could actually make out its eyes. I'm not sure I've had the opportunity to see an active beaver in the wild (not on display at some zoo), but there it was in broad daylight, swimming toward us (more or less).

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