Thursday, November 6, 2008

PMC raises $35,000,000 in 2008

5,300 PMC riders raised a total of $35 Million in 2008. This brings the total amount raised by the PMC for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute to $239,000,000 since 1980. That is a huge amount of money for cancer care & research. It's nothing to scoff at - thats some serious money.

As you may know, Ken & I are expecting our first child in late April of 2009. You might think that we would take a year off from the PMC, but that's not our plan. We hope to once again do the one-day Wellesley to Wellesley route. However, we will NOT be doing it from our house. 112 miles some 3 months or so after giving birth will be a little over my head, I think. But, I'll need a goal, and a reason to get back on the bike and make it a priority to get back in shape. Training will be tricky, fundraising might be tricky (it's a time consuming process), and we'll have to beg for babysitting help during the event, but we've discussed it & we would really like to make the effort to contribute our PMC comittment.

One thing has become startlingly clear during this pregnancy process - you can't take life & health for granted. Since cancer runs in both of our families, growing a child has reinforced our sense of urgency to find a cure for this disease. We might not make our goals next year, but we have to at least try. You just never know what the future holds, but we can do what we can when we are able.

We hope you all have a happy and healthy holiday season and a wonderful 2009 - we're hoping it'll be a banner year for Team Iwamoto (soon to be 3!)

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