Monday, August 4, 2008

Fundraising as of PMC weekend

By August 3rd, our 2008 fundraising total for the PMC is just over $4,700. We're still accepting donations until the October 1 deadline. I know some of you have expressed concern because you thought you missed the deadline, but you haven't - we still have almost 2 full months left.  There is still time.

Our total over the years is now about $14,700.  Not too shabby. Although, obviously, we're eagerly anticipating reaching the $20,000 mark. We'll pick a new goal after that. 

Thanks again to all of you who have supported our PMC ride this year and in years past. Each year, our list of sponsors grow and grow.  Our families are especially supportive and we literally cannot do the PMC without their help.  But as the years go by, our friends, coworkers and neighbors donate (sometimes even unsolicited) on our behalf, and your support is also extremely appreciated - we can't do it without you guys either.

The farthest a donation has travelled to us this year is from Indonesia. In the states, we've had donations from Hawaii, California, Washington, Texas, Virginia, Maryland, Deleware, New York, and of course Massachusetts (our state is well represented with 15 sponsors). There are a few people shouldering much of the weight of our rides: to these supporters we owe a very big thank you. In order to respect their privacy, we wont list them here, but you know who you are. Thanks so much for your generosity. 

Of course, the majority of donors who support our ride donate smaller amounts; the sheer number of these donors make up the other half of our fundraising efforts, and for these donations we are also very grateful - we couldn't do this ride without this help. We do, literally need all the help we can get. And luckily, we've been getting plenty. Thanks so much!

In total, we raised $47.46 for each mile we rode. If you were to calculate that number based solely on the number miles on the PMC route we chose, then we'd have an average of $100.97 per PMC mile.

Many thanks again to all of you who have so generously supported our PMC ride, the Jimmy Fund and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.  We're making progress!

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