Friday, August 1, 2008

PMC Weekend is Here!

Opening ceremonies will be broadcast live starting at 8 p.m.  on NECN. It MIGHT be broadcast on their website as well, although I don't really know. 

Here comes the time when I wish I hadn't been so darn logical in choosing our route this year.  It would have been really nice to do the whole 2-day event again, despite the other stuff going on in our lives and our inability to reach the minimum fundraising amount.  There's always next year, I suppose. But I still feel left out. 

So far this year, we've raised approximately $4,500  - and for the first time we haven't had to donate to our own ride at all. This is progress! Although I'm sure we'll donate anyway when all is said and done (I'm feeling a bit guilty about not doing the 2-day, if you can't tell).  In the past 3 years, we've raised approximately $14,000 for the Jimmy Fund & I'm already scheming for ways to double it. And then double it again. I open to ideas, if you have any - send them my way.
We ride this year in memory of  George "Joji" "Papa" Tanabe and Uncle Richard Nagano.  

It was 3 years ago last weekend that we lost Uncle Richard, and it was 3 years ago this weekend that we were in Hawaii attending his services.  Ironically, the PMC weekend will always have a double meaning for us in that regard.   Auntie wrote that she still wonders whether there could have been anything done, medically, to prolong Uncle's time with us (it would have been nice to see him one last time, although his pride may not have allowed it after having been sick for so long - we'll never know). This is one of the reasons we ride - perhaps we can not only find a way to prolong a life with treatment, but maybe together, we can find a cure for cancer.  I know that we all will eventually pass on, but a long, drawn out painful illness is not how I would like to go, and I don't wish it on even my own worst enemy, let alone those I love.

Papa passed 5 years ago this fall. His illness seemed relatively quick - it wasn't a matter of years, but a matter of months.  Papa did have time to get his affairs in order, to some extent. He spent a considerable amount of time with Ken's sister, and I know they had some special outings together, including going back to the house Papa was born in on the former sugar plantation. He moved in with his son, and the hospice care folks took care of him at home. Papa had been asking for Ken to come for some time. We sent Papa a photo album, but couldn't come visit because Ken was in some military training and wasn't allowed to leave - apparently, grandparents weren't considered "immediate family".  When we could finally get leave to go visit, we passed word to Papa that we were coming, hoping that he could hang on just a little longer. He couldn't. When his time came, his son was with him, and he said he was ready to go "home".   We missed him by a couple of days.   

The weather for this weekend looks a bit iffy. I suppose after 2 consecutive years of nice weather, it was bound to happen.  Thunderstorms and heavy rain are forecast (up to 1.75" total over the weekend), although the temps will only be in the upper 70s, which isn't bad.  We'll make a decision on whether we are going to drive to the ride or ride to the ride on Saturday afternoon. We'd prefer to ride to the ride, but not if it means riding in the dark in the morning (we'd have to leave by 5 am or so - sunrise is at 540) in a blinding downpour along busy roads - its a recipe for disaster. Safety MUST win out over pride and stubbornness. So we'll see.

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