Monday, July 28, 2008

End of July

Ken & I completed a 70-mile ride down on the cape on Saturday.  We've come to the conclusion that riding on the cape, although flat, is much harder than riding in a "normal" place:  the traffic on cape roads is generally awful, but the rail trail, while beautiful, is full of starts and stops with road crossings and random kids stopping directly in the middle of the trail - by the time you get up to "cruising speed" you have to stop again.  We spent a lot of energy getting up to a nice speed only to have to stop and then crank it up again.  We did find some nice roads that were fairly quiet and pleasant, but there weren't really enough of them for a 70-mile ride. It was a bit tedious - we ended up riding the rail trail from Brewster to Dennis, then across to Chatham where we got off the trail to ride a little loop around Chatham Light, then we took some roads back parallel to the rail trail, got back on it, and took the trail up to Orleans or so, got off the trail to ride around Rock Harbor & into Eastham, then back on the trail to the end in Wellfleet. Then we just took the trail back to Brewster. 

My total mileage for the month of July thus far is 418 miles; my total for the season to date is 805 miles.  I'll likely ride another 40-50 miles by the end of the work week, bringing my total up to 850 or so before the ride on Sunday (where I'll tack on another 100 miles or so). 

I've burned 32,978 calories so far this season. That's 183 double-tall whole milk lattes. I've climbed a combined total of 11,222 vertical feet and spent nearly 60 hours on the bike in total. 

Fundraising continues to go well. By my calculations, we're up to $3,801 raised for the Jimmy Fund, bringing our cumulative PMC total up to something like $14,000 over the years.  The average per person donation this year was $181.  Not too shabby. 

I'm very excited that we've reached our fundraising goal before the ride.  Thanks for all your help!

1 comment:

Liane said...

Happy Birthday!!

Yes, trails like that tend to be for people who ride bikes at 8 mph on a flat stretch, smiling all the way and holding balloons. And a cake. And a whole milk latte. :)