Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ride Route

So I've mapped out the 1 day route that we are riding this year. The elevation profile is showing a measely 207 feet of climbing and a length of 45 miles.   According to our ride booklet, there is a breakfast buffet from 6 am until 7:15 am.  It's possible we will have 2 big challenges on the day of the ride: 1) getting to that buffet before the ride starts and 2) getting home after the ride. The ride itself should be pretty easy. Unless, of course, the weather rears it's potentially ugly head.

The PMC is not a race. However, I would be curious to see how quickly I could finish a 45-mile, more or less flat, fully supported ride. It is tempting. I think perhaps that of for some reason we are unable to ride to the start line (and thus have to drive), we'll at least know how quickly we can finish the ride.  It's tempting, that's for sure. Wrong, but tempting.

The ride from our house to the start at Babson College is 27 miles; on the way TO the ride, it's a nice 311 foot descent.  Of course, the reverse is true. What goes up must come down - or, in our case, we still have to get home, and it will be all up hill at the end of the day (well, more likely the middle of the day. Maybe we'll eat and a take a nap or something before we head home). 

In total, for our PMC day this year, we're looking at 99 miles and 516 feet of total elevation gain.  Not so bad. We can do that.

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